Friday, 25 January 2013

Snow and Burns

Well, the snow has finally well and truly arrived here at last. We've only had small drifts until today but the back garden is now nicely covered. I know many people are fed up with it all by now, but I love this weather. And it's a great excuse to stay indoors (apart from feeding the birds) and write without guilt. Might even get a short walk later to blow the cobwebs away.

This is Burns Night in Scotland, and it's also celebrated in many parts of the world. I've put a link on the Romancing History blog to the fascinating reconstruction picture of the poet's face, carried out by forensic scientists at the University of Dundee. A little different from the romanticised version!

Here's one of my favourite Robert Burns verses (from Address to the Unco Guid) which reminds us we all make mistakes:

'Then gently scan your brother man,
Still gentler sister woman;
Tho' they may gang a kennin wrang,
To step aside is human.'

Happy Burns Night,


Janice said...

Happy Burns Night, Rosemary!

I enjoyed the Burns poem, thank you.

We have lots of deep snow here today too. I have the fire going and I plan to spend the whole day sitting in front of it writing - if I can get near it that is - because of the dogs warming themselves!

Love, Janice xx

Wendy's Writing said...

I'm afraid that most of us in Sussex have had enough of it - it's just slush now - but glad you are enjoying it.

Joan Fleming said...

The snow isn't really lying here - it's mixed with rain and will be quite slushy underfoot. However, I haven't ventured beyond the front door!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Good idea, Janice!

I can imagine that, Wendy, but we usually have some every year.

It's even thicker here now, Joan!

Patsy said...

I'm jealous - our snow left quicker than it arrived.

Joanna said...

Thank you, Rosemary. Our snow has been quite deep for a week now, but I enjoyed its pure white beauty on the first day. It's been really nice to stay in by the fire as well.
Now that it looks very grubby and messy, I'm quite glad the rain has arrived and is washing it all away. And it was quite hard wading through it to get to the ponies and chickens - they will be glad to see it disappearing. However, the icicles have been a n amazing spectacle. I shall miss those. x

Anonymous said...

The snow is still pretty deep here on Exmoor but our pony colleagues up near Edinburgh say they have been well snowed in for some time. Must be a different part of Scotland from where you are.
I love it but I feel for people who have to travel.

Rena George said...

Thank you for the link to Dundee University, Rosemary. I watched the programme about Robert Burns, but was too slow digging out my camera to get a picture of that amazing reconstruction of his head.
The image isn't the way we all imagined Rabbie would look, but there's a lot of character in that face. x

Karen said...

Lovely poem - hope you enjoyed Burns Night.

I've enjoyed the snow, but was quite glad to see greenery and sunshine again this morning after a night of torrential rain!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

It didn't last long enough here either, Patsy!

It's really pretty when it still has that lovely white purity, Joanna - shame it doesn't last and I can imagine you're glad the slush is washed away!

Yes, I'm in the west coast, Gail, and Edinburgh is towards the east - always much colder over there!

You're right, Rena - much more character than the romaticised version!

Thanks, Karen - it's been raining here too today. Happy birthday!

Vikki said...

I like the photo! I was quite disappointed not to see any snow here - just slush and rain.

Linda D said...

As I'm not Scottish I'm afraid I've always had a problem with Burns' poems - I have to translate them to understand them properly, and I'm sure this takes away some of the charm of the poetry. The reconstruction of his face is fascinating. I don't think he looks too different from a portrait I've seen of him.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

It didn't last long, Vikki - but the pheasants have visited again!

I know what you mean, Linda. I think the reconstructed face is a little rougher than the usual portraits but probably more in keeping with the man's background!