Monday, 4 February 2013

New Look and Updates

Nearby woods on a wintry walk

As you can see, I've finally taken time to update the blog with a new look. I'm sure there are still a few links to check or add but at least the bulk of it's done. I'd planned to change it for the beginning of January but other work and pleasure intervened. Do you ever have to stop everything else and get a job finished? Fortunately, I completed a little writing first but I'm in catch-up and organising mode today! Since it's very wet and windy here, it's a perfect day for staying in and working.

I've recently started writing web-based non-fiction for the UK division of American online company, Demand Studios. I used to contribute articles a couple of years ago and was delighted to receive an invitation to write for them again. Although I still love writing fiction, I get paid for these fairly quickly and can choose a couple or more titles a week - if the subjects suit me! I also had an article accepted by Scottish Home & Country Magazine - I've contributed there before over the years.

So I guess I've been in more of a non-fiction mood for a week or so, although I'm trying to finish a contemporary novel, and I'm in the middle of judging short stories for a local schools competition sponsored by our writing group. I also managed to write and submit a new children's story, so I don't feel too guilty about taking time out to do some organising. Anyone else in clear-up and update mood?



Wendy's Writing said...

The new look is very smart,Rosemary.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thank you, Wendy! Kept changing my mind.

Mary Smith said...

Yes, Rosemary I, too, am in organising and tidying up mode. I can see bits of desk appearing from under the paper piles and I'm ticking things off my to-do list. Next task is to update my website. I hope to get that done by tomorrow. Sometimes I reach a point when I can't do any writing until I've had a good 'redd-oot'

joanne fox said...

Oh I'd like a new look too! Not feeling quite brave enough to tackle it today - but soon, soon!

Teresa Ashby said...

It looks lovely, Rosemary - very atmospheric :-) x

myraduffy said...

Looks really good,Rosemary!

myraduffy said...
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Joanna said...

I love the new look, Rosemary. Well done for your non-fiction achievements - it must be a useful and refreshing change to write articles as well as fiction.
I keep meaning to have a good claer-up, but everything is taking a back seat while I progress with my novella. I've done nothing else at all for a week and have managed to reach the halfway point now. I'm looking forward to sorting out all the short stories once it's finished. I've given myself until Friday when the girls break up for half-term to get it done. Fingers crossed and good luck with all your projects too. The weather certainly helps us focus on indoor pursuits! x

Rosemary Gemmell said...

That's exactly how I feel about clearing out, Mary!

I go through this stage every so often, Joanne, but it does take time!

Thank you, Teresa!

Thanks, Myra!

Many thanks, Joanna. I can imagine you'll want to get to the end of the novella before tackling anything else - all best with that!

Carolb said...

I do like the new look, Rosemary, especially the colour choice and background image.

Congratulations on the non-fiction work. It's clear 2013 is going to be a busy year for you. :-)

TracyFells said...

Background is very atmospheric and the side bars look great. Non-fiction writing can be a good intermediate income as usually more guaranteed return than fiction. I find it a relaxing change too, because somehow you invest less of your self in non-fiction and don't feel so open to criticisim, or maybe that's just me.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thanks a lot, Carol - at least it will keep me out of mischief!

Many thanks, Tracy - and you're absolutely right about the difference with non-fiction.

Patsy said...

It looks good, Rosemary.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thanks, Patsy!

Anita Chapman said...

Your blog looks lovely Rosemary! I must make my blog look prettier, maybe in the spring.

Vikki said...

Love that photo in the woods and like your new blog look - especially the quote on your header!