Monday, 18 February 2013

Writing Market: CafeLit

If you write short stories that perhaps don't fit the women's magazine market, you might like to try submitting to CafeLit. Stories up to 3000 words are welcome, including flash fiction length, and a collection of the best stories is published each year. It's worth having a look around their website as they sometimes have other projects on the go.

I was delighted that my daughter, Vikki, had a short story published in the Irish literary online journal, The Bohemyth the other day. Her story, 'Pop Goes the Gun', is the second one down. This might be a good market if you're more concerned with getting your name out there in literary publications, rather than trying to earn an income from writing.



Wendy's Writing said...

I have heard of CafeLit but never submitted to them. I might have a look at some of my more literary writing and see if it fits.

Joanna said...

Thank you, Rosemary. This sounds very interesting indeed. Many congratulations to Vikki. I shall go and read her story. Well done to her. x

Erin OQuinn said...

Thanks, Romy. I'll use this tip and pass it on to others.

xxErin aka Bon Franks

Mary Smith said...

Second attempt to leave a comment! Will have a look at Cafe Lit, Rosemary. It sounds interesting. I enjoyed Vikki's story very much - excellent. She's on a roll right now - taking after her mother!

Mary Smith said...

First time it didn't appear because I forgot to sign in. Doh!

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Good luck with submissions, Wendy.

Thanks, Joanna!

Hi Erin - nice to 'see' you!

Thanks, Mary - Vikki's writing is usually much edgier than mine! She'll be pleased to hear you enjoyed her story.

Teresa Ashby said...

Thank you for the links. I've just had a read of Vikki's story and enjoyed it very much :-) x

Vikki said...

Thanks Mum for posting the link to my story! And thanks to everyone for kind comments

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Many thanks for that, Teresa!

You're welcome, Vikki!

Patsy said...

Congratulations to Vikki!

Maria said...

Thank you for sharing, I'll take a look at Cafe Lit, my writing mostly doesn't fit the women's magazine market.

Congratulations to your daughter too!