A very warm welcome to this fun Greek Cypriot themed launch party for my short novella, The Aphrodite Touch, which is the first book in my new series featuring Aphrodite and Adonis, published by lovely Irish independent Tirgearr Publishing.
If you would like a chance of winning a free e-copy of The Aphrodite Touch, please leave a comment. Where in the world is your favourite romantic destination? One name will be chosen to receive the free copy, so please leave your email address if you want to be considered!
I’ve always been hugely interested in Greek mythology and fascinated with the deities and their lives. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and Adonis one of her many lovers, so who better to interfere in the lives of couples who visit Cyprus hoping to progress their relationships in one way or another. And so Carla and Jamie are the first to receive their unique guidance!
If you would like a chance of winning a free e-copy of The Aphrodite Touch, please leave a comment. Where in the world is your favourite romantic destination? One name will be chosen to receive the free copy, so please leave your email address if you want to be considered!
I’ve always been hugely interested in Greek mythology and fascinated with the deities and their lives. Aphrodite is the goddess of love and Adonis one of her many lovers, so who better to interfere in the lives of couples who visit Cyprus hoping to progress their relationships in one way or another. And so Carla and Jamie are the first to receive their unique guidance!
Please help yourself to some healthy Mediterranean food and a little shot of ouzo. Or a drink of juice if you prefer, and I’ll tell you a bit about the beautiful island of Cyprus, where the series is set. Take a seat in the shade under the gorgeous flowers and enjoy a day beside the sea.
An island in the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus lies near to Greece and Turkey. The island itself is now divided into roughly two parts: Turkish in the north and Greek in the south. Paphos, the main setting for the story, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in the Greek side of the island. It’s some years since we visited but from the moment I arrived until I left, its history, legends and scenery took hold and have remained with me. We’re hoping to return later this year so I can update my photos and locations!
Here’s a little introduction to The Aphrodite Touch:
Carla hopes that ten days on the romantic island of Cyprus will finally progress her relationship with reserved Scottish boyfriend, Jamie, to a full physical commitment. Or prove that they have no future together. But they had reckoned without the intervention of the goddess Aphrodite and her lover, Adonis. Will Aphrodite awaken Jamie’s hidden depths and allow him to return the passion that Adonis senses in Carla?
First short excerpt
“Good day, we hope you are enjoying the first day of your holiday on our island.”
Carla stared at the man for a moment before gathering enough wits to reply. Impossibly, he grew more beautiful every time she saw him. Beautiful. No other word would do. His short, curling, fair hair moulded to a well-shaped head, and the chiselled cheeks highlighted the penetrating blue of his eyes. Tall, slim yet with a muscular tanned body, she drank him in as he smiled.
“Yes… thank you.” She looked to Jamie for help and saw his attention was wholly captured by the breathtaking woman. No wonder he couldn’t take his eyes from her finely sculpted face, long golden hair that flowed over one shoulder, and a statuesque figure that belonged on the cover of Vogue Magazine.
“You’re the couple who welcomed us so warmly to the hotel yesterday. Didn’t we see you earlier today?” Carla addressed the woman, trying to rouse Jamie from whatever spell she had cast on him. “At the harbour?”
The woman turned sparkling green eyes on Carla and smiled. “Did you? Perhaps.”
Aware the woman had neither denied nor exactly agreed with the suggestion, Carla held Jamie’s hand. Something about this couple caused strange sensations within her and she couldn’t decide if it was a good thing or bad.
Here’s the trailer I made - I love making these and choosing the music, so I do hope you enjoy it!
Here’s a little bit about ouzo. It has a distinct aniseed flavour and is traditionally mixed with a little water, which gives it a cloudy appearance. Evidently, it was first made by monks and in fact we did try some when we visited a monastery cut into the cliffs on the Greek island of Amorgos one year. We can pretend this little shot glass contains ouzo!
Second short excerpt
“Shall we go and find Aphrodite’s birthplace, today?” Jamie said. “Looks like another hot one, so we could have a swim. Here it is in the guide book, Petra tou Romiou, like that woman said. Seems it’s supposed to be where the goddess of love rose from the sea in a shell.”
Carla leaned across to read the passage before speaking. “Remember that magnificent painting by Botticelli? Aphrodite in her shell with the sea behind her? She was supposed to be born from the foam of the sea. Roman mythology calls her Venus.”
“Yeah, I know the one. Naked as the day she was born.” He grinned his appreciation.
“I might have known you’d remember that.” But she was relieved too; at least he enjoyed the female figure as much as any other man.
She stretched in the morning sunshine. She loved the turquoise shades of the Mediterranean Sea and its endless pathway finally blending with a topaz sky. The heady scent of lemons, and herbs, and pine permeated the air and reminded her of an article she had recently read.
“Did you know archaeologists discovered a perfume lab dating from about 4,000 years ago? Here on Cyprus. They say one of the perfumes was used by Aphrodite herself. Imagine finding something so old and precious!”
For a moment, she thought Jamie hadn’t been listening. Then he looked up. “But how could it have been used by Aphrodite? I thought she was a myth, like Zeus and Mount Olympus.”
Carla laughed at his earnest question. “How do we know what myths and legends are based on fact, and which are imaginary? I’d like to think it was true.”
Here’s a tiny ampulla of Greek perfume I actually bought home from our travels ages ago.

I was quite happy to discover I’m Athena – another of my favourites as she is the goddess of wisdom and is usually seen accompanied by an owl.
Thank you all so much for joining in the fun today – it makes it more of a celebration. If it’s made you want to read The Aphrodite Touch, then thank you even more! It’s now available in all e-formats from my publisher, Tirgearr, and on kindle from Amazon UK and US.
Thank, Rosemary, for my early morning trip to the Greek Islands!
My favourite romantic place was an island on the Great Barrier Reef, floating in a seawater pool and drinking pina coladas!
Good Luck with The Aphrodite Touch!
Good morning, Jean! That does sound romantic being on the Great Barrier Reef. Thanks for commenting.
Thank you for inviting me to your launch party, Rosemary. I love the trailer. I visited the North of Cyprus three years ago in October - my greatest memory was sitting on a deserted beach surrounded by banana palms (I'd never seen an island so lush with fruit). I'll just have a fruit juice if that's ok as it's still only 7.30! Well done on the launch.
Morning, Rosemary! Congratulations on your romance, it sounds a winner! I'm off to buy it now from Amazon!
Hi Mum, happy launch day! Really enjoyed reading The Aphrodite Touch (so you don't need to include me in your prize draw!) Paris was so beautiful that it would have to be a top romantic destination. Lots of luck with the novella x
Vikki's pre-empted me. I spent a year in Paris as a student and, while student romance is perhaps different from... er... other romance, the many, many times I've been back there since have all just confirmed that it's THE place. So far, I haven't visited Cyprus but your evocation of it is very tempting.
I can't linger at the party, I'm afraid, because I have to do the very unromantic chore of digging out acres of ground elder from the garden but, with the sun shining, I can maybe dream of sipping well-diluted ouzo with you and your other guests as I work. Have a great launch and I know the book will be a success.
I'm skipping the healthy food and going straight for the non-healthy!
I'm sure your novella will do really well...and look forward to the next one.
What a lovely way to start the day. Cumbria's looking a bit cloudy at the moment so I was very happy to skip over to Cyprus for a little while. My most romantic place? The lovely Scottish island of Arran. The weather may not be as good as in Cyprus but this is a wee gem of a place nevertheless.
Have a great party!
Thank you for putting on such a lovely Launch Party Rosemary. Congratulations on the release of your book The Aphrodite Touch. While sipping ouzo and nibbling on your celebratory cake I watched your lovely trailer and then did the goddess quiz. (I'm Artemis, Apollo's twin sister and couldn't be happier). Just popping over to Amazon to grab myself a copy. Good Luck with this story and your writing career.
Your Muse sister,
Wendy L.
Hello Rosemary and congratulations on the launch. I've never been to Cyprus, but have spent many happy holidays in the Greek Islands, so the trailer (and especially the music) brough back lots of happy memories. Most romantic spot for me has to be the beach by the Red Sea where we ate Christmas dinner (grilled fish and salad) one year within sight of Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Good morning Rosemary
What a lovely way to start the day! Thank you, I've helped myself to a juice and some olives!
Very good luck with The Aphrodite Touch - it sounds like the perfect holiday read to me.
My favourite romantic place is Amalfi, a beautiful village clinging to the cliffs in Italy. There's nothing more romantic than an evening walk through the lemon groves down to the harbour, inhaling the aroma of sweet blossoms and wonderful restaurant food wafting on the warm breeze, and then sitting with a glass of wine over-looking the twinkling harbour lights. Wonderful! Afterwards, maybe a tasty fish dish served in a scallop shell; after all, Aphrodite floated ashore riding a scallop shell didn't she?
Love Ange xx
Hi Rosemary, Loved the music. Good luck with the launch. My favourite romantic place is the Taj Mahal. Anne
Hi Wendy - that does sound lovely. Thanks for commenting!
Oh, thanks a lot, Lindsay - hope you enjoy it!
Hello, daughter dear - I thought you might say Paris!
Many thanks for dropping in, Bill! yes, paris is definitely high up there on the romantic cities. I also love Venice. Hope you get that work done.
Thank you, Myra - and for already leaving a review!
Hi Gilly - thanks for commenting! I love Arran too, but I think we all need some sun this year!
Hi Wendy L - many thanks for coming over and commenting! And for getting the book - hope you enjoy it! Artemis is a good one.
Hi Elizabeth - nice to see you here. The Red Sea sounds wonderful - yet to visit there! I do love many of the Greek islands.
Hi Ange - thanks for commenting! I love the Italian coast too - very romantic. And, yes, Aphrodite did float ashore on that shell.
Hi Anne - thanks for commenting. Now that's a place I'd love to see!
My favourite romantic spot is Oxjupet - that's where my husband proposed.
Congratulations on your launch Rosemary! It's fantastic to sit and think about all that still heat and the sound of cicadas while I'm sitting in darkest France in temperatures of around 7 degrees! My favourite romantic place (ok, it's SUCH a cliché!) is Venice. There's nowhere in the world more stunning than Venice, with its magnificent palazzos, gondolas and the incomparable Grand Canal.
Good luck with the novella!
I've never been to Cyprus..definitely on my list, though.
I love Cyprus, but strangely the place that moved me the most, and at sunrise I think would be sooo very romantic, is the Great Wall of china at Simitai... followed by The Maldives.
Anywhere with DH really...
Now that's intriguing, Patsy - do tell us where it is!
Hi Jenny - sorry it's not sunny in France, but thanks for dropping in here! Don't worry - I feel the same about Venice.
I'm sure I'll see many, many changes in the number of hotels etc when I go back, Jennifer, as it's s long since I've been!
Oh, the Great Wall must be magnificent, Raven! And how romantic are you - your DH must be pleased!
Just off to download this now, Rosemary, as I know Cyprus quite well. I have a friend living between Paphos and Limassol, and we used to pass Aphrodite's Rock whenever we went into Paphos.
As for my favourite romantic place, Connemara in the west of Ireland is my choice ;-)
Hi Rosemary,
Congratulations on the launch of your new series. The Aphrodite Touch is a wonderful little story and a great intro to the series. Well done!!
And thanks for an amazing article on Cyprus. Haven't been there (shame on me) but that could change soon if the Irish weather doesn't get any better any time soon!
Congratulations, Rosemary, and very good luck with the novel. Favourite romantic place is the Yorkshire Dales, where ....well, never mind...
Love the whole blog about Aphrodite, Rosemary. I used to be a great fan of the Greek Myths so you are kindling up my interest again.
Super food and photographs. May you enjoy a long and successful launch party.
Congratulations, Rosemary! I loved the trailer and am looking forward to reading your novella. I'm having romantic dreams about Paris at the moment, as am off there with my sweetie later this year!
Loved the trailer! Hope everyone enjoys TAT as much as I did. Surprised I'm Goddess Astarte - you know me and animals... Mind you, we once had a romantic Christmas Day lunch on a Durban beach and a huge dog came and slept by my side for hours. We were the only humans there and James took a photo as it was so weird. Sipping something long and cool under those lovely pink blossom trees, watching the frolicking lovers splash in the sparkling sea. Good Luck Romy!
Oh, thank you, Paula - hope you enjoy it. I mention that stretch of road and the rocks of course. Haven't been to Connemara but would like to visit one day.
Hi Kemberlee - many thanks for your comment and the great support! I think we're all in need of a warm, sunny place just now!
Thank you, Frances - now you're just trying to spark our imagnation with an open-ended comment like that!
Many thanks, Gwen - it's actually made me even more interested in the myths again!
Hi Dawn - many thanks for your comment! I'm sure you'll love your trip to Paris - a very romantic city.
Hi Catriona - thanks for that comment, and all your support! I love the goddess/animal story and hadn't heard that before!
Congratulations, Rosemary, and thank you for this lovely launch party.
The Aphrodite Touch is wonderful. I can highly recommend it. I can actually smell the beautiful scented air and feel as if I'm beneath that intense blue sky. It's a perfect setting for romance and love, and Rosemary writes about them brilliantly.
I love the trailer too, Rosemary. The music is perfect. Enjoy your special day and congratulations again on a fantastic book. xxx
Oh, thank you so much, Joanna - that's a fabulous comment! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the novella.
καλημέρα Rosemary,
It's a bit early for ouzo, even for me, but I don't need strong spirits to appreciate what a fun and inspiring launch party you're putting on. Being a fantasy writer, love the idea behind The Aphrodite Touch and looking forward to reading it.
Have a great day and congratulations on another wonderful success in your writing career.
να διασκεδάσουν
Congratulations, Rosemary. What a wonderful post, so much to tempt us with the gorgeous food and the lovely novella :-)
My favourite romantic destination would have to be Helsingor in Denmark where I went on honeymoon :-) x
Hi Sara - love the Greek greeting! Thanks so much for your lovely comment - and for your continued support!
Many thanks, Teresa! Now that's a different kind of destination. We've visited Copehangen a couple of times and loved it.
Oh hey, apparently i'm, "ARTEMIS the huntress, the twin sister of Apollo, sun god. Artemis is often associated with the moon. She is beautiful, with wolf-like eyes.
Artemis loves the wilderness and all wild animals. She is a protector of small children. She is the goddess of the hunt, of wilderness, of nature. She uses a silver bow and shoots silver arrows."
Lovely post, Rosemary; Cyrpus sounds enchanting. Can't wait to read The Aphrodite Touch! Congratulations on your release and don't eat too much of that lovely spread. :)
Congratulations on the launch of The Aphrodite Touch, Rosemary. And what at splendid party! Lovely food, but I'll save the ouzo for later in the day. Enjoyed your atmospheric trailer. Favourite place? Boring, I know, but it has to be Paris. The very best of luck with this latest venture.
I received this comment in my previous post and think it maybe should be in here - so I'm reproducing it!
Sat down and treated myself to reading The Aphrodite Touch in one go at the weekend, Romy. Loved it. Lovely sense of place and such an original idea to have the Greek gods giving the mortal humans' romance a helping hand. Well done, you. (from Maggie Craig)
Hi Kate - many thanks for commenting! I love Artemis too - she's Diana the Huntress in Roman mythology.
Hi Joan - thanks for commenting! I think Paris is definitely one of the most popular romantic destinations - deservedly so!
Maggie - many thnaks for such a lovely comment. Glad you enjoyed The Aphrodite Touch!
Mmm, love the Greek salad! And the spanakopita is so cheesy! Now, my favourite romantic destination would have to be Sydney, Australia.
Oh dear, I put my comment on the wrong bit of the blog! Must have been the ouzo.
I enjoyed the trailer - you are such a clever lady!
Did I see a mention of cocktails on Facebook?
Just done the quiz - I am Artemis, with wolf-like eyes!
What a great idea, having a virtual book launch! I love the trailer, too. Your publisher seems really supportive. I've never been to Cyprus, I'd love to. It looks so romantic. Well, my favourite romantic place I dream about is going back to my childhood gobi desert dunes in Mongolia and swim in the lakes. Thank you for sharing this beautiful book. X
Hi Suzanne - many thanks for your comment! Now Australia is somewhere I haven't been!
Hi Mary - thanks for visiting again! Another Artemis - love those wolf-like eyes!
Hi Uuganaa - thanks so much for coming over to leave such a lovely comment. Now Mongolia sounds very exotic and beautiful!
Congratulations on the launch, Rosemary- just popped over to Amazon to have a look, and there's 3 reviews already. :)
I've added a plug for it on my blog post today.
Favourite romantic place has to be Chesil Beach in the early evening during the summer, when there's fewer people around and you can feel the air against your skin and hear the waves rumble over the pebbles all in tune with nature.
Good morning, Rosemary:) It's a cold and rainy Pennsylvania (US) day, so a trip to Greece is a terrific remedy:)
I downloaded my copy of The Aphrodite Touch last week, so I'll make myself ineligible for your prize drawing.
The story is delightful. I love Aphrodite and Adonis, and can't wait to see what their next adventure conjures up! Their solution to Carla and Jamie's problems were spot on! You really turned out a juicy story in the novella format. Beautiful job! - Georgia
Happy Book Launch, Rosemary. You're books sounds good. Reminds me of Freshman or sophomore year in college when we studied some of the Greek Gods/Goddesses in English Lit. Interesting stuff.
Most romantic place to visit — can't think of one. Maybe I just haven't been there yet.
Good luck with book sales!
Thanks for commenting, Carol - and many thanks for mentioning it! That's a lovely image of Chesil Beach - I only know it from the book of that name!
Thank you so much, Georgia - it wouldn't have been the same without your excellent editing!
Many thanks for commenting, Linda - I've loved mythology since school!
I'm Artemis too. Nature, wild life, small children and silver. Works for me.
Feeling a little peckish again,Rosemary, so I'd like to have a bit more cake if that's okay! And I love the photos -on a day like today the sun is very welcome.
Favourite romantic place has to be Granada and the Alhambra by moonlight..sigh!
Hi Maggie - yes, that sound perfect!
Please help yourelf, Myra! Those sound very romantic places to be - at least it should be sunny.
Ok, now I'm hungry. Great launch party, Romy. I'm wishing you all the best and lots of success.
Well, this is a lovely party. Love the slide show, love the Greek setting of your romance (I've got an unpublished one set in Greece, too - maybe I should dust it off and do something with it?) Never been to Cyprus, but it looks lovely in your photos. Just bought the book for Kindle, so I think I'll hang around for the champagne.
Balmaha. Complete with rain and midgies my partner giving me the cup from flask of tea while he drank from lid of can of de icer. Best of luck with the new novel.
What a treat on a cold Scottish day, Romy! All the best and I look forward to reading The Aphrodite Touch.
Hi Charlene - many thanks for coming over to comment!
Thanks so much for buying the book, Valerie - hope you enjoy it! Forgot to bring the Champagne today - but we can pretend. You should always dust off and redraft your work, then get it sent out!
Hi Cathie! Love Balmaha - though definitely not with midgies! But you paint a romantic picture.
Many thanks for dropping in, Kate!
Hi Rosemary, lifting a glass of something fizzy to you right this moment (okay, it's only diet coke due to Slimming World rules but you have a fab imagination, you can imagine the champagne!)Best of luck with the new book, it sounds wonderful and I'd so love to go to Cyprus. The closest I've ever got is Corfu. My favourite romantic place? A little log cabin right on the beach in a cove on the Isle of Wight - you can't get to it by car and I spent the best New Year's Eve ever there with my husband, setting a rocket to the stars off across a moonlit sea. Heaven.
Thanks Rosemary,enjoyed your party and the trailer.
This book sounds a winner,I have never been to Cyprus,now I will definately go.
My favourite romantic place is Colva Beach ,Goa.I will never forget the sunsets there !!!!
Good luck in all you do and thanks for such an interesting site,love it !!
Hi Cara - many thanks for commenting! Corfu is lovely. That sounds such a romantic scene you've painted - hope you use it in a book (or maybe you have)!
Hi Edna - lovely to see you here, thank you! Goa is another place I've never been, but would like to visit one day. Sounds very romantic at that beach.
Congratulations, Rosemary.
It looks as though you're having a great party. It's pouring here at the moment so imagining oneself on a beautiful Greek Island in the sunshine is lovely.
Ruth and Mary
Happy launch day! Have been popping in on and off. Ate some olives and had a glass of wine in your honour! x
Hi Catherine - thanks a lot! I did see your comments on FB too!
Hi Ruth and Mary - thank you for commenting! It hasn't been a very nice day here either.
Congratulations, Romy!
I'm off to find out which goddess I am--likely NOT Athena! ha ha
Hi Jude - many thanks for coming over to comment! You might be Athena!
I've had a wonderful time at my blog party. Thank you all so very much for commenting, for entering the fun and for buying the novella. You are all much appreciated!
Wow, Rosemary! Seventy five comments! This is quite a party. I love Cyprus, and can picture that lovely little bay near Paphos where Aphrodite is said to have come ashore.
The Aphrodite Touch sounds like a great story. Huge amounts of good wishes for it. x
Hi Rena - many thanks for your comment! I had a wonderful day filled with fun. Glad you know that little bay!
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