Monday, 17 March 2014

Travel Inspiration: Cobh in Ireland

In acknowledgement of St Patrick's Day, and the fact I had Irish grandparents, I thought I'd post a couple of photos from a visit to Ireland a few years ago. Cobh was one of our favourite stops.

A pretty fishing and harbour town, the most impressive sight on the approach to Cobh is the 19th century Gothic St Colman’s Cathedral which sits on the hill overlooking the harbour. Situated on the Great Island near Cork, the harbour town of Cobh has links with many famous ships, including the ill-fated Titanic.

Developed during the eighteenth century, when the natural harbour was used to assemble the fleets during the Napoleonic wars, Cobh (pronounced ‘Cove’) became a health resort during Victorian times. In honour of Queen Victoria’s visit to the town in 1849, Cobh was renamed Queenstown and thus it remained until it reverted to its Irish name in 1920.
Cobh was in an ideal position for Irish emigrants who wanted to escape their poverty and sail to the new world across the Atlantic, in hope of a better life in America. The terrible potato famines between 1845 and the 1851 left many unable to survive and, during this period, over 1,500,000 Irish people emigrated to America. It was also one of the great ports for transatlantic liners at the turn of the 20th century.
These days, Cobh provides a lovely walk along the sea front with an art gallery at one end and Heritage Centre at the other where you can learn about its interesting history. I'd love to go back and explore this pretty, colourful harbour town again one day.
If anyone is inspired by their travels, you could try entering the Telegraph 'Just Back' travel competition.


Julia Thorley said...

What an interesting post. Cobh looks beautiful. I've only been to Ireland once, and that was a weekend in Dublin. I must go back some day and explore both sides of the border. BTW, I've tried and failed to get something accepted for 'Just Back'. Back to the drawing board.

Vikki said...

Love the look of that cathedral dominating the landscape. I just read about the 'Just Back' competition the other day, tempted to give it a go

Joanna said...

Stunning pictures, Rosemary. Cobh looks a beautiful place to visit. I've been to Kerry and would love to go back and see more of Ireland. The people were really friendly and the scenery breathtaking.
My husband often goes to Dublin on business, but he rarely has the chance to explore. One day, I will go with him and we'll make the time to look together properly. x

Wendy's Writing said...

Ashamed to say, I've never been to Ireland Rosemary - would love to go though.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thanks, Julia - I imagine the Just Back will be more difficult than we think!

You should, Vikki - good luck!

Thanks, Joanna - I'd love to see more of the beautiful country areas which I think will be a lot like parts of Scotland.

I need to go back and see other areas, Wendy!

Maria said...

Well now, I've been to Ireland, both North and South a few times. I too have Irish blood coursing through my veins, but I have never heard of Cobh!

How interesting it sounds, I fancy visiting the Heritage Centre and taking a stroll along the beach front. Who knows, now I know about it, maybe I will...

Thank you for sharing Rosemary.

Joan Fleming said...

This brings back memories for me, Rosemary. We spent a day there when we did our tour of Ireland. Lovely photos.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Hope you get there one day, Maria!

It's a great place, Joan.

Carolb said...

We drove through there on holiday one year, but didn't have the time to stop and explore sadly.

Perhaps one day I might get another opportunity, Rosemary.

Thank you for sharing the pictures.