Sunday, 21 September 2014

Back to Work

The Cobbler at Loch Long

After a wonderful holiday on the Riviera, then a new contract for my full length novel, we were brought back down to earth here in Scotland this week! My poor husband had his birthday on that historic day which many of us had never asked for in the first place, but we did manage to enjoy a lovely meal out with our daughter. I was going to say I'm glad it's all over but I suspect the repercussions of 'the vote' will go on into the future for the whole of the UK. And that's all I'm saying on that subject.

Anyway, I'm now trying to concentrate on getting back to work - more difficult than I expected - while waiting for the editing process to begin on my novel. I think we're going to move my desk and computer into what is the dining room at the moment as it's warmer there in the winter than the extension 'study' I'm in at the moment. I've often said how much I enjoy writing in a cafe once a week and on trains with pen and paper, so I'm pretty sure it might help to do more longhand writing when possible. Then I enjoy redrafting while transferring it to the computer. I'll let you know how I get on with that over the next few months.

Very pleased to see daughter, Vikki, had another great flash fiction story, Once Ours, published - this time in Word Bohemia. Coincidentally, we had a very good workshop on writing Flash Fiction from Myra Duffy at the writing group on on Tuesday - informative and fun. Do many of you write this form of fiction? There certainly seems to be quite a lot of markets for it these days, although it's a difficult (but satisfyingly creative) type of short story.

Better plan my writing priorities for tomorrow and the rest of the week, or I'll end up dithering without anything to show for it!



Jean Bull said...

I hope that your planning went well and that you've settled down to work again.
I prefer writing in longhand first, and redrafting it as I type because the creative juices flow more easily from a pencil (not a pen!) onto the paper.

Joanna said...

It's so exciting about your new contract, Rosemary, and I wish you luck with the editing process once it gets underway. My writing desk is in quite a cold part of the house, and although I find the bracing chill keeps my brain alert, it is quite difficult to type with a big tartan blanket on. I might have to move back into the warm kitchen, which is where I first began writing.

Huge congratulations to Vikki - I shall go and read her story now. I used to love flash fiction, but sadly don't have enough time to create those challenging short pieces anymore. xx

Rosemary Gemmell said...

I think you're write about pen/pencil to paper being more creative in some ways, Jean!

Many thanks, Joanna - and thank you for being interested in Vikki's stories!

Carolb said...

Hope you're settled back into routine by now, Rosemary.

A warm office in the colder months is an essential...:)

Congratulations to Vikki too.

I don't write flash fiction often, but those few I have done, are the ones that have been published.

Vikki said...

Just noticing this post just now. Thanks for posting the link to my story! And thanks also Joanna and Carol for your congratulations. I love writing flash fiction - I find it keeps the creative juices flowing and if I have lots of ideas it's a quick way of forming them into stories

Cara Cooper said...

Many congrats to your daughter, how wonderful to have a daughter who writes so that you can discuss things together. My family are fed up with hearing about anything writing related - I see their eyes glaze over..... I'm sure you'll get back in the groove soon.

Rosemary Gemmell said...

Thanks, Carol - well settled now!

You're welcome, Vikki!

Many thanks, Cara - it does make a difference that we have the same interest!