Thursday, 10 April 2014

Facebook Fun with Tween and YA Authors

If anyone enjoys reading tween and YA books, or has young people who do, then you might like to drop by the MuseItUp Publishing event on Facebook from today, 10th April until next Thursday 17th:

Some of the tween/YA authors are sharing recipes and information on background, settings and characters from their books. I'm sure there will be a few give-aways, the winners chosen from those leaving comments over the week.

My two tween books, Summer of the Eagles and The Jigsaw Puzzle are published with MuseItUp and I'll be joining in the fun over the next few days, where you can win a download of either book.

Rosemary (or Ros for these books!)


Joanna said...

Thank you, Rosemary. Two of my daughters are very interested and will definitely be having a good look. x

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

This sounds very interesting. Thank you, Rosemary. xx

Rosemary Gemmell said...

That's great, Joanna!

You're welcome, Suzanne!